Centered label for a polygon

Currently I’m adding a polygon like this


polygon: {

hierarchy: new Cesium.PolygonHierarchy(myPositions)




To add a label to this polygon I extent this to this


label : {

text : ‘MyArea’


polygon: {

hierarchy: new Cesium.PolygonHierarchy(myPositions)




But label is not displayed now, because position is missing. Is there a possibility to show label at center of polygon like the Entity rectangle, which appears if you click on a Entity, without calculation of center of polygon by my own?

Hi SunBlack,

Check out this thread on the same subject:!searchin/cesium-dev/center$20label$20polygon|sort:date/cesium-dev/zAJwEbd9irQ/YAQoZxogAQAJ

Hope that helps,

  • Rachel