Cesium - 3DS Max

Hello, I am newbie so my Cesium knowledge is very lacking. I wanted to ask, as I know there is a plug in for 3DS Max, which if I am understanding correctly, allows you to publish your 3DS models into Cesium Ion to be placed with in the Cesium world. My URE (Unreal Engine) team uses Cesium within URE and streams the data within URE which from there they can use URE as normal production tool with the Cesium data at the ready.

My question is, is it possible to have that same kind of functionality within 3DS Max. So max can stream the Cesium data, allow you to clip and render from Max or out to Vantage for all the context building etc. Is there anything like that? I do realize there are work arounds with blender, and render doc and all that goes into the pipeline but wanted to see if there are easier solutions for those not in URE.

Thanks in advance.