Cesium draw multiuple dynamic polygon with callbacks in javascript

I am having issue with creating Multiply Polygon with callback. for exmaple i have a Triangle with points A,B,C and another triangle D,E,F. When i click on A,B or C polygon ABC appears and DEF disappers. when I click point D,E,F polygon ABC appears and ABC disappers.

When i start application D,E,F polygon is present and A,B,C is disappeared. By the way corners donot disappers only polygon because i am changing coordinates

you will see ``issue here``` in the code. i want to update a specfic polygon from loadedPolyCollection . something like loadedPolyCollection[i]._polygon.._hierarchy._callback() with this method polygon donot change its position when i move a point.

can some one guild me how can i draw multiple polygons here and pass new coordiantes to specfic polygon using callbacks. thank you

… code …

const viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer");
var scene = viewer.scene;

var Poly_coordiantesArray =[[72.35433701166211, 52.57522385967319, 96.18442795152974, 44.89719893727921, 72.39011732046649, 39.86453159141635],
                        [67.29773654341213, 32.88259716109294, 69.14234015976554, 32.98282610463128, 69.19404079866142, 31.354623867578226, 66.85127436871454, 31.712787322338162, 66.55451189733644, 32.6854597580088]];
var Poly_nameArray = ["aaaaa" , "bbbbb" ];

for (var i=0;i<2;i++){
  loadPoly(Poly_coordiantesArray[i] , Poly_nameArray[i]);
var loadedPolyCollection = [];
var Poly_pointsCollections = []; //Collection of all points at the corners of polygons
var loadedPolyCollection = [];

// draw points at the corners of polygons
function draw_Zone_Corner_points(lon, lat, name) {

    var pointGeometry = viewer.entities.add({
        name: "Polypoint_" + name,
        description: [lon, lat],
        position: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(lon, lat),
        point: {
            color: Cesium.Color.SKYBLUE,
            pixelSize: 10,
            outlineColor: Cesium.Color.YELLOW,
            outlineWidth: 2,
            disableDepthTestDistance: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,


var coordinates = null;
var selectedPolygonCoordinates = []; // array to save all coordiantes of selected polygon

// adding coordinates of each points With respect to polygon
// if multiple polygon all coordiantes will have differnet names
// for differenciation 
function newArrayForZone(pickedEntity) {

    selectedPolygonCoordinates = [];
    var selected_Entity_Name = pickedEntity.id._name;
    for (var i = 0; i < Poly_pointsCollections.length; i++) {
        var current_Entity_Name = Poly_pointsCollections[i]._name;

        if (current_Entity_Name === selected_Entity_Name) {
            var [y, x] = Poly_pointsCollections[i]._description._value;
            selectedPolygonCoordinates.push(y, x);

    console.log("selectedPolygonCoordinates ", selectedPolygonCoordinates);


// function for callback getHierarchy
function getHierarchy() {
    return {
        positions: coordinates

// draws polygon
function loadPoly(coordinate, myArray) {
    coordinates = new Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray(coordinate);

        var loadedPoly = viewer.entities.add({
            id: "poly_" + myArray,
            name: myArray,
            polygon: {
                hierarchy: new Cesium.CallbackProperty(getHierarchy, false),
                material: Cesium.Color.fromBytes(221, 240, 235, 160),



        for (var i = 0; i < coordinate.length; i = i + 2) {
            draw_Zone_Corner_points(coordinate[i], coordinate[i + 1], myArray);


// updates the location of each point and then we update coordinates
// in the end it update polygon 

function UpdatepolygonWithPts(pickedEntity) {
    var NewPos = [];
    var Newpoints = pickedEntity.id.position._value;
    var carto = Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84.cartesianToCartographic(Newpoints);
    var lon = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(carto.longitude);
    var lat = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(carto.latitude);

    //console.log("lon+ lat are " + lon + lat);


    var [y, x] = pickedEntity.id._description._value;

    // console.log("oldpositionX : ", y);
    //console.log("Poly_pointsCollections[i] : ", Poly_pointsCollections[0]._description._value); in

    for (var i = 0; i < Poly_pointsCollections.length; i++) {
        if (selectedPolygonCoordinates[i] === y) {
            selectedPolygonCoordinates[i] = lon;
        if (selectedPolygonCoordinates[i] === x) {
            selectedPolygonCoordinates[i] = lat;
    pickedEntity.id._description._value = [lon, lat];

    coordinates = new Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray(selectedPolygonCoordinates);


// mouse click to get an Enitity with specfic name
document.getElementById("cesiumContainer").addEventListener("click", function() {

        var rightEntityPicked = false;
        var dragging = false;
        var pickedEntity;
        var handler = new Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventHandler(viewer.scene.canvas);
            function(click) {
                var pickedObject = scene.pick(click.position);
                if (Cesium.defined(pickedObject)) {
                    var entityName = pickedObject.id._name;
                    entityName = entityName.split("_");
                    if (entityName[0] === 'Polypoint') {
                        rightEntityPicked = true;
                    if (rightEntityPicked) {
                        dragging = true;
                        scene.screenSpaceCameraController.enableRotate = false;
                        pickedEntity = pickedObject;
            function(movement) {
                if (dragging) {
                    var cartesian = pickedEntity.id.position.getValue(Cesium.JulianDate.fromDate(
                        new Date()));
                    var cartographic = scene.globe.ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(cartesian);
                    var surfaceNormal = scene.globe.ellipsoid.geodeticSurfaceNormal(cartesian);
                    var planeNormal = Cesium.Cartesian3.subtract(scene.camera.position, cartesian,
                        new Cesium
                    planeNormal = Cesium.Cartesian3.normalize(planeNormal, planeNormal);
                    var ray = viewer.scene.camera.getPickRay(movement.endPosition);
                    var plane = Cesium.Plane.fromPointNormal(cartesian, planeNormal);
                    var newCartesian = Cesium.IntersectionTests.rayPlane(ray, plane);
                    var newCartographic = viewer.scene.globe.ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(
                    cartographic.longitude = newCartographic.longitude;
                    cartographic.latitude = newCartographic.latitude;
            function() {
                if (rightEntityPicked) {
                    //var cartesian = pickedEntity.id.position.getValue(Cesium.JulianDate.fromDate(new Date()));
                    //var cartographic = scene.globe.ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(cartesian);
                    dragging = false;
                    scene.screenSpaceCameraController.enableRotate = true;

                    // console.log("Picked entity", pickedEntity.id.position.valueOf());
                    // UpdatepolygonPoints(pickedEntity.id.position._value);
                    console.log("pickedEntity.id._name ", pickedEntity.id._name);


                    //console.log("Picked entity NewPsoition", lon + lat);


i tired in sandcastle but there is a Array.push() Error