Cesium for Unity Hololens2

I tried building but I get error related with Reinterop. I am just wandering if I can build using Unity for Hololens2 without using Unreal. It says it can’t be found and the dlls I am trying to get access won’t give me any access.
I am aware Unreal Hololens2 is possible to build. Thank you.

Used Unity 2021.3.3f1, Cesium 1.0.1

We haven’t tried building the plugin for the HoloLens2 itself, though tethered mode should work out of the box. It should be possible to run directly on the device, but it may not be straightforward. The general outline of the process can be found in the developer setup instructions:

But this will not work out of the box. You will definitely need to make some changes to support HoloLens2, and I don’t know what those changes are offhand.

Thank you for your feedback.
Now I am trying to build it through Unreal because that is offical and I am trying to build AnywhereProjectXR with the recommended version 4.27 and I am having errors because I don’t have to exact source in the sources directory.
To clarify I am trying to package this so that I can build it on Hololens2.

PackagingResults: Error: Missing precompiled manifest for ‘CesiumRuntime’. This module was most likely not flagged for being included in a precompiled build - set ‘PrecompileForTargets = PrecompileTargetsType.Any;’ in CesiumRuntime.build.cs to override.
UATHelper: Packaging (HoloLens): BUILD FAILED
PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Error

Any clues on this?

Cesium for Unreal is in the same situation as Cesium for Unity: only tethered HoloLens rendering is supported.