Cesium for Unreal 4.27 - Imagery not loading

I’ve been testing Cesium for Unreal with UE 4.27 under Ubuntu 20 and I’m running into an issue with imagery loading. Specifically, I’m unable to visualize imagery on the terrain on top of terrain surface.
I’ve tried using the CesiumForUnrealSamples and I’m seeing the same behavior. For example, in the Melbourne sample (Map 02), I can see the city, but outside of that area, the imagery provided by Bing doesn’t load.

I’ve checked the log for any errors related to connectivity, but there are none. I’ve tested with different internet providers, moved my computer to different locations, and even tried using my mobile device, but the issue persists.

Does anyone have any suggestions or have encountered a similar issue?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Pablo Santofimia

Hi @psantofimia, welcome to the community!

Currently, Cesium for Unreal supports a minimum of UE 5.2, so our ability to troubleshoot earlier versions of the plugin is limited. With that said, it would help if you could share a screenshot of the Details panel for the imagery component you’re using, so we could confirm if the settings look correct.

I also wonder if switching the project’s default token will make a difference? You can do so by logging into your Cesium ion account in the Cesium window, and using the Token button.

Let us know what happens!

Hello @janine!

I’m using the Cesium For Unreal Samples with no changes, but I send the Details panel for CesiumWorldTerrain and for CesiumRasterOverlay

Using the DefaultToken or a new one have similar output as shown in the image.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Pablo Santofimia