Cesium hosted on Content Delivery Network

Does Cesium have a hosted version of its javascript library? One that we can simply link to in a script tag. Like a Google CDN. Or is it only available as a download? Thanks.

All Cesium releases are available on cesiumjs.org, for example:




These are the fully unpacked release zips and can be used via AMD or combined file. For example, if you want to use the combined and minified Cesium.js file, you can include


and the css would be


https works as well. The latest release is always available at http://cesiumjs.org/Cesium, but I don’t recommend you point to that since it will automatically update to the latest release and could break your app.

Thank you! that is exactly what i needed!

All Cesium releases are available on cesiumjs.org, for example:

Any intention of deploying those to a 'real' (world-wide distributed) CDN like https://cdnjs.com/ ?

Another option would be to use the free sercive of CloudFlare to cache the whole site - reducing server load and access times: Our Plans | Pricing



This will be available soon.

This is available now!

Cool! Is cesium to be available as well, or just webpack-cesium?

It is Cesium.

Just add the script to a page and use like normal.


Awesome, thanks TJ!

No problem! The new website looks great, btw.

:slight_smile: Thanks, nice to hear!