Cesium in 2021 - What would you like to see?

Hi Shehzan and team, firstly, it has been a pleasure using CesiumJS, thanks for all the work that has been put in.

A few things we would love to see come out of Cesium in the future:


  • Depth plane causing clipping artefact - issues/7879
  • Camera.changed event not fired when camera.roll = 0 - issues/9403

Cesium ION Tiler & On Premise ION Engine:

  • Coordinate reprojection & Tiler improvements when far from origin
    • Currently tiled models when far from their origin produce unexpected results
    • Heading/pitch/roll properties are assigned when not passed as arguments to the tiler
    • Lat/Long position not accurate
    • Geometry is faceted and reduced quality when their type is of BIM/CAD
    • Workaround is to get the centroid of the model and save these coordinates
    • Move the model to 0,0,0 about the centroid
    • Convert saved coordinates to EPSG:4326
    • Tile the model with input converted coordinates
  • Expanding on tileset.json and Cesium3dTiles properties, auto set the tile type when tiling; If the type is PHOTOGRAMMETRY or BIM, enable a way of getting this type when querying a Cesium3DTileset in CesiumJS.
  • Vector tiles (I see this is already on the roadmap – looking forward to this)
  • Additional formats for BIM models: IFC
  • Per-feature selection for tiled BIM/CAD models – would it be possible to get any properties assigned to individual elements in the original file (e.g. IFC)? And to change the visibility of these elements also? Similar to the cesium/Bentley sandcastle: Cesium Sandcastle.
  • There is also an interesting article on this where the author creates b3dm files from decomposing IFC files: IFC - 3DTiles. This allows for individual IFC components to be queried, exposing the properties assigned to the component. This is where we want to be.
  • ION engine tiler: conversions persist in temp: Conversions persist in temp


  • Vector Data
    • Improve performance of GeoJSON, kml etc.: Assuming this will be addressed in issues/25
    • GeoJSON standards don’t include anything for styling. In Cesium, we can add styles at runtime, but not compile time. Several other providers such as OSM and MapBox have implemented their custom styling spec for GeoJSON. Would it be possible to include a style spec for GeoJSON within CesiumJS? Not sure how this would affect the vector tile roadmap.
    • Support for WMS vector formats – ArcGIS/MapBox… vector maps
  • Entities
    • Render layer always on top when height is defined
      • We have created a simple widget, but this is obscured by other geometry in the scene
      • Billboards always on top option
  • Cesium3DTilesets
    • BoundingBox property, as opposed to just BoundingSphere
  • Scene Ray methods
    • Make methods such as scene.getpickray public

Camera Improvements:

  • The camera can sometimes lose its reference and take the user to a position far from the last position, this normally only happens when navigating underground

Thanks, and sorry for the long post!