Cesium ion licensing

Hi, I am using Cesium for a commercial project and don’t need the Cesium Ion features, and I just want to double check what are can/cannot do without a license.

Can we still use versions after Ion’s release as long as we are not using any Ion features, or is any release after 1.43 not allowed without a license?

Similarly, if we are using a version after Ion’s release are we guaranteed to not be using Ion as long as we don’t provide a Ion Access token, or are there additional features we need to make sure to not use.

Finally, are we allowed to host free tile sets such as Natural Earth II on our own servers? I have seen some posts about not allowing this but I believe it only relates to Bing maps, or other non-free maps, just want to verify.


CesiumJS is still open source under the Apache 2.0 license, so you’re certainly free to use it for any commercial purpose even after the Cesium ion features were added. I would set the default token to blank before initializing the viewer:

Cesium.Ion.defaultAccessToken = ‘’;


Since CesiumJS ships with a default token. The only other thing that uses ion by default is the geocoder (but then it’ll just fail to load when you clear the token).

For hosting the Natural Earth imagery yourself, that tileset is public domain, you can see the license for it here: https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/blob/master/LICENSE.md#public-domain-data-from-natural-earth

So you should be good. Thanks for double checking here! What kind of project are you building?

Thank you for the help, I will follow that advice.

As far as the project I can’t say very much about it, but Cesium has been extremely helpful, so thanks to everyone.
