Cesium JS Google earth mouse behavior

Hi everyone,

Is there a cesium parameter that automatically makes the mouse restrictions in google earth, for example, in google earth, it cannot lower the slope to zero to the ground and it is easier to use.

Hi @selim_sezer,

If you are particularly looking to limit the angle of camera tilt from a top-down view, ScreenSpaceCameraController.maximumTiltAngle may be what you’re looking for.

If not, could you please describe what restrictions you’re looking for? We don’t have any specific for the Google datasets, but we do have many configuration options which could be adjusted.

Users generally use Google Earth. They want the mouse acceleration, tilt angle and many other settings to be the same as Google Earth. I was wondering if there is any default setting. Thank you

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We’d love to hear what settings your users are looking for if you have more specifics. That would be useful input if/when we update our default camera interaction.