Cesium map load blur


I wrote a little project using cesium JS and react JS before a month ago. Now when I am trying to retrive the files and set up the project again,

the map doesn’t render properly.

can somebody please help me?

Thank you.


What device are you seeing this on? And what browser are you using?

This looks like it might be related to this issue we’ve seen with running Cesium on some mobile devices: https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/issues/2541

There’s a workaround posted in that issue.



Thanks for the answer, but I found the solution. The problem doesn’t related to Cesium himself.

Glad you were able to figure it out! Could you share how you fixed the problem in case other people have the same issue?


Glad you were able to figure it out! Could you share how you fixed the problem in case other people have the same issue?


My problem was not related to cesium. Actually, because I am using bundling service of Webpack, I had to copy all the files in ‘cesium/Build/Cesium’ to my public folder, where the generated JS file from the Webpack, are located.

Thanks again for the fast response!