Cesium maps are no longer visible

Hey developers,

I have been using cesium since December and was displaying the content of KML’S over it. Currently, the maps are no longer displayed and the background is shown in space.

Is there any change on cesium side that could have affected this? I am attaching a screenshot of the current screen.

Any feedback/advice will be greatly appreciated.


Amandeep Singh

Please see the response in this thread https://groups.google.com/d/msg/cesium-dev/UlB56Yn1WII/rq4MEzX5AwAJ


I have followed the thread and created a new key. But i am still unable to get it working. May be I am placing the key in an incorrect way.

Can you please tell where and how the key should be included in the code?


Amandeep Singh

You use the key like this:

Cesium.BingMapsApi.defaultKey = ‘’;
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(‘container’, {options…):


Good luck, Willem

I got it working, Thanks for the help.

Quick question, since I am using a new key, will it work forever or it has some validity?

Since its a basic one, so is it to be used for only individual basis or we can use it for a cooperate too?



Hi Amandeep,

A free key will most likely have restrictions but I do not know the details, you will be able to find info at https://www.bingmapsportal.com/ .