Cesium newbie questions

Hello! I’m at the very beginning of a new Cesium project, and I’m just a bit overwhelmed at the moment. Hoping people can point me to some documentation.

  • Is there a high level architecture doc for Cesium? I see CesiumJS, Cesium Native C++ API, etc. I’m speculating that under the hood Cesium is built in C++, with an API support to Javascript. Is that accurate?
  • Is there documentation specific to running an on-premises instance of Cesium?
  • Any minimum hardware specs for an on-premises project?
  • I understand that Cesium Ion requires a subscription. Does the Ion API require a subscription, or just the products provided by Cesium via Ion?

Hello JHParsons!

Thank you for reaching out and for your interest in Cesium. I apologize for the delay in response.

Please find below a few links that may help:

High Level Architecture Diagram. I was not sure if you were interested in Cesium ion Self-Hosted or Cesium ion SaaS, so I provided both:

This one pager typically adds clarity for individuals learning about Cesium. It is a simple value chain slide that shows the Product offerings of Cesium within the different parts of the value chain:

Re APIs: Cesium is an API first company. We support open-source formats and APIs to Javascript

Re: Documentation to running an on-premise instance of Cesium:

Cesium ion does require a subscription. There are two ways you can purchase this

Please let me know if I addressed your questions satisfactorily. I would be happy to continue the discussion, please send a note to sales@cesium.com to continue the discussion.

Thank you,

Alex Paulson
Business Development