Cesium v1.27.1 UE5.1.1 Oculus Branch v54.1 Crashing when we open a Cesium URL

It appears to be crashing when it downloads the first tile information. We know it’s doing that because in LogHttp it’s doing the API request to fetch this right before the crash:

0x7dc006cdd0: Starting GET request to URL='https://api.cesium.com/v1/assets/2/endpoint?access_token=

We get this on Shipping build:

[2023.06.23-10.30.46:386][298]LogAndroid: Error: === Critical error: ===
[2023.06.23-10.30.46:386][298]LogAndroid: Error:
[2023.06.23-10.30.46:386][298]LogAndroid: Error: Fatal error: [File:Unknown] [Line: 1430]
[2023.06.23-10.30.46:386][298]LogAndroid: Error: FMallocBinned2 Attempt to realloc an unrecognized block 0x7d484e0000 canary == 0xe9 != 0xe3

Everything works fine on Development build, but it crashes on Shipping build. When we attached a debugger, as soon as a crash happens the debugger exits. We think the crash might be happening in one of the Cesium libraries. Can you help us debug this? How can we get the proper stacktrace so we know which library this is happening on?

We use NDK 25b and our min and max is 32, and compileSDK version is 31

How can we build Cesium from source for Android ourselves? We can’t seem to find instructions for Android

@Kevin_Ring or anyone that knows the answer? Although this version seems to have a memory allocation issue, all previous versions did not have it so we’re stumped. The last version that we had that worked before we upgraded was Cesium v1.22 also crashed in Shipping in UE5. Previously we were on UE4.27.2. Also emphasizing that it works in Development on UE5…

Ok we found cesium-unreal/.github/workflows/build.yml at ue5-main · CesiumGS/cesium-unreal · GitHub

and now when we run:

 C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.1\Engine\Build\BatchFiles>./RunUAT.bat BuildPlugin -Plugin="$ENV:GITHUB_WORKSPACE/CesiumForUnreal.uplugin" -Package="$ENV:GITHUB_WORKSPACE/packages/CesiumForUnreal" -CreateSubFolder -TargetPlatforms=Android -NoHostPlatform

we are getting an issues with multiple .h files that cannot be found, see then end of the output below - how do we resolve this?


Running AutomationTool...
Using bundled DotNet SDK version: 6.0.302
Starting AutomationTool...
Parsing command line: BuildPlugin -Plugin=c:/realvr/cesium-unreal/CesiumForUnreal.uplugin -Package=c:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal -CreateSubFolder -TargetPlatforms=Android -NoHostPlatform
Initializing script modules...
Total script module initialization time: 0.16 s.
Executing commands...
Copying 15713 file(s) using max 64 thread(s)
Reading plugin from c:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\CesiumForUnreal.uplugin...
Building plugin for target platforms: Android
Running: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.1\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\DotNet\6.0.302\windows\dotnet.exe "C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.1\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.dll" UnrealGame Android Development -Project=c:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\HostProject.uproject -plugin=c:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\CesiumForUnreal.uplugin -iwyu -noubtmakefiles -manifest=c:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Saved\Manifest-UnrealGame-Android-Development.xml -nohotreload -architectures=arm64 -log="C:\Users\oferb\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\C+Program+Files+Epic+Games+UE_5.1\UBT-UnrealGame-Android-Development.txt"
Log file: C:\Users\oferb\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\C+Program+Files+Epic+Games+UE_5.1\UBT-UnrealGame-Android-Development.txt
Android (8490178, based on r450784d) clang version 14.0.6 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project 4c603efb0cca074e9238af8b4106c30add4418f6)
Target: x86_64-w64-windows-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: C:/Users/oferb/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/ndk/25.1.8937393/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/bin
C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\CesiumRuntime.Build.cs: warning: Referenced directory 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\ThirdParty\include' does not exist.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\libasync++.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\libCesium3DTilesSelection.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\libCesiumAsync.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\libCesiumGeometry.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\libCesiumGeospatial.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\libCesiumGltfReader.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\libCesiumGltf.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\libCesiumJsonReader.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\libCesiumUtility.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\libdraco.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\libktx_read.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\libmodp_b64.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\libs2geometry.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\libspdlog.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\libsqlite3.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\libtinyxml2.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\libturbojpeg.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\liburiparser.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\libwebpdecoder.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\libMikkTSpace.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\libtidy.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
Library 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\../ThirdParty/lib/Android-xaarch64\libz.a' was not resolvable to a file when used in Module 'CesiumRuntime', assuming it is a filename and will search library paths for it. This is slow and dependency checking will not work for it. Please update reference to be fully qualified alternatively use PublicSystemLibraryPaths if you do intended to use this slow path to suppress this warning.
C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\CesiumRuntime.Build.cs: warning: Referenced directory 'C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\ThirdParty\include\mikktspace' does not exist.
Android (8490178, based on r450784d) clang version 14.0.6 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project 4c603efb0cca074e9238af8b4106c30add4418f6)
Target: x86_64-w64-windows-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: C:/Users/oferb/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/ndk/25.1.8937393/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/bin
Android (8490178, based on r450784d) clang version 14.0.6 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project 4c603efb0cca074e9238af8b4106c30add4418f6)
Target: x86_64-w64-windows-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: C:/Users/oferb/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/ndk/25.1.8937393/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/bin
NDK toolchain: r25b, NDK version: 250200, ClangVersion: 14.0.6
Parsing headers for UnrealGame
  Running Internal UnrealHeaderTool C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\HostProject.uproject C:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Intermediate\Build\Android\UnrealGame\Development\UnrealGame.uhtmanifest -WarningsAsErrors -installed
Total of 94 written
Reflection code generated for UnrealGame in 0.6455021 seconds
Compiling Native 64-bit code with NDK API 'android-32'
Writing manifest to c:\realvr\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Saved\Manifest-UnrealGame-Android-Development.xml
Building UnrealGame...
Determining max actions to execute in parallel (24 physical cores, 48 logical cores)
  Executing up to 24 processes, one per physical core
Building 7 actions with 7 processes...
[1/7] Compile PCH.CesiumRuntime.h [arm64]
[2/7] Compile Module.CesiumRuntime.4_of_6.cpp [arm64]
In file included from c:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/Intermediate/Build/Android/UnrealGame/Development/CesiumRuntime/Module.CesiumRuntime.4_of_6.cpp:2:
In file included from c:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/Intermediate/Build/Android/UnrealGame/Inc/CesiumRuntime/UHT/CesiumMetadataProperty.gen.cpp:8:
C:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/Source/CesiumRuntime/Public/CesiumMetadataProperty.h(5,10): fatal error: 'CesiumGltf/MetadataPropertyView.h' file not found
#include "CesiumGltf/MetadataPropertyView.h"
1 error generated.
[3/7] Compile Module.CesiumRuntime.3_of_6.cpp [arm64]
In file included from c:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/Intermediate/Build/Android/UnrealGame/Development/CesiumRuntime/Module.CesiumRuntime.3_of_6.cpp:2:
In file included from c:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/Intermediate/Build/Android/UnrealGame/Inc/CesiumRuntime/UHT/CesiumGlobeAnchorComponent.gen.cpp:8:
C:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/Source/CesiumRuntime/Public/CesiumGlobeAnchorComponent.h(7,10): fatal error: 'glm/gtx/quaternion.hpp' file not found
#include <glm/gtx/quaternion.hpp>
1 error generated.
[4/7] Compile Module.CesiumRuntime.1_of_6.cpp [arm64]
In file included from c:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/Intermediate/Build/Android/UnrealGame/Development/CesiumRuntime/Module.CesiumRuntime.1_of_6.cpp:2:
In file included from c:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/Intermediate/Build/Android/UnrealGame/Inc/CesiumRuntime/UHT/Cesium3DTileset.gen.cpp:8:
C:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/Source/CesiumRuntime/Public/Cesium3DTileset.h(5,10): fatal error: 'Cesium3DTilesSelection/Tileset.h' file not found
#include "Cesium3DTilesSelection/Tileset.h"
1 error generated.
[5/7] Compile Module.CesiumRuntime.6_of_6.cpp [arm64]
In file included from c:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/Intermediate/Build/Android/UnrealGame/Development/CesiumRuntime/Module.CesiumRuntime.6_of_6.cpp:2:
In file included from C:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/Source/CesiumRuntime/Private/CesiumGltfPointsComponent.cpp:3:
In file included from C:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/Source/CesiumRuntime/Private/CesiumGltfPointsComponent.h:5:
C:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/Source/CesiumRuntime/Private/CesiumGltfPrimitiveComponent.h(5,10): fatal error: 'Cesium3DTilesSelection/BoundingVolume.h' file not found
#include "Cesium3DTilesSelection/BoundingVolume.h"
1 error generated.
[6/7] Compile Module.CesiumRuntime.5_of_6.cpp [arm64]
In file included from c:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/Intermediate/Build/Android/UnrealGame/Development/CesiumRuntime/Module.CesiumRuntime.5_of_6.cpp:2:
In file included from c:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/Intermediate/Build/Android/UnrealGame/Inc/CesiumRuntime/UHT/CesiumTileMapServiceRasterOverlay.gen.cpp:8:
In file included from C:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/Source/CesiumRuntime/Public/CesiumTileMapServiceRasterOverlay.h:5:
C:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/Source/CesiumRuntime/Public/CesiumRasterOverlay.h(5,10): fatal error: 'Cesium3DTilesSelection/RasterOverlay.h' file not found
#include "Cesium3DTilesSelection/RasterOverlay.h"
1 error generated.
[7/7] Compile Module.CesiumRuntime.2_of_6.cpp [arm64]
In file included from c:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/Intermediate/Build/Android/UnrealGame/Development/CesiumRuntime/Module.CesiumRuntime.2_of_6.cpp:4:
In file included from c:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/Intermediate/Build/Android/UnrealGame/Inc/CesiumRuntime/UHT/CesiumDebugColorizeTilesRasterOverlay.gen.cpp:8:
In file included from C:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/Source/CesiumRuntime/Public/CesiumDebugColorizeTilesRasterOverlay.h:5:
C:/realvr/cesium-unreal/packages/CesiumForUnreal/HostProject/Plugins/CesiumForUnreal/Source/CesiumRuntime/Public/CesiumRasterOverlay.h(5,10): fatal error: 'Cesium3DTilesSelection/RasterOverlay.h' file not found
#include "Cesium3DTilesSelection/RasterOverlay.h"
1 error generated.
Took 13.6809795s to run dotnet.exe, ExitCode=6
UnrealBuildTool failed. See log for more details. (C:\Users\oferb\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\C+Program+Files+Epic+Games+UE_5.1\UBT-UnrealGame-Android-Development.txt)
AutomationTool executed for 0h 0m 22s
AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=6 (6)

We got it to build using the instructions in build.yml. We used the sections in build.yml Android51: and Windows51: since we’re on 5.1.1

So, the good news is we got it to build against the NDK 25b that we are using, the bad news is that it still crashes, and this time there is no stacktrace at all. A bit stumped how to debug this now. Any insight or help would be appreciated.

I don’t have an Oculus that I can easily try it on, but I routinely do Shipping builds for Android and they work well on my Pixel 6 Pro.

To debug this, I think you have to start by going back to the Cesium for Unreal Samples project and see if you’re able to package and run that successfully. If not, there’s something different about your setup or the Oculus itself that’s preventing it from working, and we can try to dig into that.

More likely, though, the Samples project will work fine. In that case there’s some difference between that project and yours, and you can debug it by slowly bringing over elements of your project until the Samples project stops working, too. My guess is it will be related to a plugin that’s enabled (and used) in your project but not in the Samples.

@Kevin_Ring We did a test in the Sample Project, Where we started with CesiumPlugin, which worked, but then i added our other Plugins, and found out that there is one plugin which when gets included, Sample Project will Crash too.
This project is a MeshLoader plugin, which uses assimp library, and there is a libassimp.so file, which we have generated using CMake, using Ninja Generator.

CMakeCache file is included inside the attached rar file, this cache file is for generating the libassimp.so
Can you see something, which can create this kind of issue ?

CesiumCrash.rar (5.7 KB)

I also have a new StackTrace which is also included in the same .rar file

I have logs inside my Mesh Plugin, and it seems like it is loading correctly, and i was able to use MeshPlugin without any problems.

How can i be sure that CesiumPlugin is loading correctly ?

Most likely there’s a conflict between a third-party library used by Cesium and one used by MeshLoader. This is a very unfortunate reality of the way Unreal packaged builds dump everything from the engine and plugins together into one binary.

To solve it, you’ll first need to figure out which third-party library is the issue, which will probably require getting a full stack trace from that shipping build. Make sure you’ve configured UE to include debug symbols in shipping builds by going to Platforms → Packaging Settings → Project and making sure “Include Debug Files in Shipping Builds” is enabled.

You can also run the Android build inside the Visual Studio debugger, by following the instructions here: