Cesium 2.0 Preview. Building for Android on UE 5.3 - App doesn’t start

Greetings, i’m trying to package the “cesium unreal samples” project with the new 2.0 preview for android.
It hangs after unreal engine logo.
I managed to compile it in the past for 5.1, 5.2 and install on my phone (xiaomi redmin note 10 M2101K7AG, 4gb ram, octacore max 2.20ghz, android 12) but also on past releases it was hanging after a run of 20 seconds, freezing and overheating all the smartphone (only a plain 01_CesiumWorld wasn’t crashing… all the other 11 level were) but at least was loading maps and google 3dtiles too in that 20 seconds.
I was waiting the release of cesium 2.0 for further bothering you with android packaging and here we are…
Any preferred Android SDK or NDK for compiling or other advanced clues to try?

I’m not sure. Are there any messages in the device’s log?

How can i enable/find them in a packed/installed apk? Usually im tracing it on windows, first approaches to mobile development in ue… Trying this way…

I believe you can get the logs using adb logcat. It’s not just the Unreal log, though, so there’s a fair bit of noise in there.

Yes, adb logcat was a bit too much verbose and probably the usage was binded to a legacy version with all that tutorials about it on mobile/vr development…
Anyway solution was easier than i was overthinking… Almost obvious… Probably that’s why i didn t stumbled already on that around in all this time, maybe an ue5 add… :smiley: Just developermode+usb debugging on mobile and cook&launch directly on device for ondevice normal Output Logs in UE Editor. Now it gives me a new “LogPluginManager: Error: Unable to load plugin ‘Water’. Aborting.”

Now before that water plugin error gives also these errors:
LogClass: Error: EnumProperty FCesiumFeatureIdSetDescription::Type is not initialized properly. Module:CesiumRuntime File:Public/CesiumFeaturesMetadataComponent.h
LogClass: Error: BoolProperty FCesiumFeatureIdSetDescription::bHasNullFeatureId is not initialized properly. Module:CesiumRuntime File:Public/CesiumFeaturesMetadataComponent.h
LogAutomationTest: Error: UObject.Class AttemptToFindUninitializedScriptStructMembers will be marked as failing due to errors being logged
LogAutomationTest: Error: LogClass: EnumProperty FCesiumFeatureIdSetDescription::Type is not initialized properly. Module:CesiumRuntime File:Public/CesiumFeaturesMetadataComponent.h
LogAutomationTest: Error: LogClass: BoolProperty FCesiumFeatureIdSetDescription::bHasNullFeatureId is not initialized properly. Module:CesiumRuntime File:Public/CesiumFeaturesMetadataComponent.h

I wrote "Type is not initialized properly" errors · Issue #1257 · CesiumGS/cesium-unreal · GitHub to address those errors in the log, but I don’t think that’s the main problem. To fix that Water plugin error, perhaps try going to Edit → Plugins and enable the Water plugin manually?

It was already enabled, so i disabled and renabled it and it gave me a different error on landmass plugin. I disabled and reenabled landmass and now is giving “Error: Unable to load plugin ‘BlueprintMaterialTextureNodes’.” Seems that im on a good way, just some other N recompiles… :smiley:

Doh… after ‘BlueprintMaterialTextureNodes’ reenabling it returned to first error,but with an extra tip to disable it totally (error this time is also written on the android phone screen)…

LogPluginManager: Error: Plugin ‘Water’ failed to load because module ‘Water’ could not be found. Please ensure the plugin is properly installed, otherwise consider disabling the plugin for this project.

After that it s complaining for Error: Plugin ‘CesiumForUnreal’ failed to load because module ‘CesiumRuntime’ could not be found. Please ensure the plugin is properly installed, otherwise consider disabling the plugin for this project.

Maybe this is the last time…

No luck, it returns to first water error…
LogPluginManager: Error: Unable to load plugin ‘Water’. Aborting.

LogPlayLevel: UAT: Running: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s a90d5a08 logcat -s UE debug Debug DEBUG
LogPlayLevel: UAT: --------- beginning of main
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.535  4915  5270 D UE      : Entering native app glue main function
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.535  4915  5270 D UE      : Created event thread
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.535  4915  5270 D UE      : Entered AndroidMain()
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.536  4915  5270 D UE      : Controller interface supported
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.536  4915  5271 D UE      : Entering event processing thread engine entry point
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.536  4915  5271 D UE      : Prepared looper for event thread
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.536  4915  5271 D UE      : Passed callback initialization
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.536  4915  5271 D UE      : Passed sensor initialization
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.816  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] Target SDK is 31.  This may cause issues if permissions are denied by the user.
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.819  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] Vulkan version: 1.1.0
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.820  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] Vulkan level: 1
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.820  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] Found DepthBufferPreference = 0
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.820  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] Found PropagateAlpha = 0
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.820  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] Found bPackageDataInsideApk = 0
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.820  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] Found ProjectName = CesiumForUnrealSamples
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.820  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] Found AppType =
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.820  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] Found bHasOBBFiles = 0
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.820  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] Found bVerifyOBBOnStartUp = false
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.820  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] UI hiding set to true
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.820  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] BuildConfiguration set to Development
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.820  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] UseExternalFilesDir set to true
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.820  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] PublicLogFiles set to false
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.820  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] AllowIMU set to false
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.820  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] SupportsVulkan set to false
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.820  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] Parsing commandline: -project="../../../CesiumForUnrealSamples/CesiumForUnrealSamples.uproject" /Game/CesiumSamples/Maps/01/01_CesiumWorld -Messaging -CrashForUAT -SessionId=02181B204D85FFDD5E98A38E833F1723 -SessionOwner="PincoPi" -SessionName="Launch On Device"
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.848  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] ro.hardware: qcom
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.848  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] ro.hardware.chipname:
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.848  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] Hardware: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc SM6150
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.848  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] ro.soc.model: SM6150
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.849  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] Memory: 3590 MB
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.851  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] failed to get bytes from asset java.io.FileNotFoundException: configrules.bin.png
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.853  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] configrulesversion: no data
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.853  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] configrulesversion: no data
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.853  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] configrulesversion: no data
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.853  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] UseAffinity: false
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.853  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] BigCoreMask: 0xffff
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.853  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] LittleCoreMask: 0x0
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.863  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] APK path: /data/app/~~jimJBI6kQcMkdtTzdFT0qQ==/com.YourCompany.CesiumForUnrealSamples-HHdP3SYrCeIUUFinGsKSOg==/base.apk
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.863  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] OBB in APK: false
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.866  4915  4915 D UE      : GFilePathBase Path override to'/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.YourCompany.CesiumForUnrealSamples/files'
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.866  4915  4915 D UE      : InternalFilePath found as '/data/user/0/com.YourCompany.CesiumForUnrealSamples/files'
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.866  4915  4915 D UE      : ExternalFilePath found as '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.YourCompany.CesiumForUnrealSamples/files'
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.866  4915  4915 D UE      : App is running in Landscape
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.866  4915  4915 D UE      : AndroidPropagateAlpha =  0
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.869  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] Android version is 12
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.869  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] Android manufacturer is Xiaomi
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.869  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] Android model is M2101K7AG
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.869  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] Android build number is SKQ1.210908.001 test-keys
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.869  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] OS language is set to en_US
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.869  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] Debugger attached is false
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.879  4915  5273 D UE      : [GameActivity] --- memstats:
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.879  4915  5273 D UE      : memstat: Used memory:  (updated): 170450
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.879  4915  5273 D UE      : memstat: VmSize:     7107164 kB
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.879  4915  5273 D UE      : memstat: VmHWM:   235504 kB
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.879  4915  5273 D UE      : memstat: VmRSS:   235504 kB
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.879  4915  5273 D UE      : memstat: VmData:     1862984 kB
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.879  4915  5273 D UE      : memstat: VmSwap:       24048 kB
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.947  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] GoogleApiClient exception caught: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: must call addApi() to add at least one API
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.947  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] googleClient is disabled
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.947  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] ==============> GameActive.onCreate complete!
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.949  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] Creating console command broadcast listener
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.949  4915  5271 D UE      : LogAndroidEvents::EnqueueAppEvent : 9, [width=-1, height=-1], tid = 5271, APP_EVENT_STATE_ON_START
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.950  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] ==================================> Inside onStart function in GameActivity
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.951  4915  4915 V UE      : [GameApp] App in foreground
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.953  4915  5271 D UE      : Case APP_CMD_RESUME
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.953  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] === Restoring Transparent Bars ===
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.953  4915  5271 D UE      : LogAndroidEvents::EnqueueAppEvent : 7, [width=-1, height=-1], tid = 5271, APP_EVENT_STATE_ON_RESUME
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.953  4915  5271 D UE      : LogAndroidEvents::EnqueueAppEvent : 11, [width=-1, height=-1], tid = 5271, APP_EVENT_STATE_WINDOW_GAINED_FOCUS
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.954  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] ==============> [JAVA] AndroidThunkJava_KeepScreenOn(false) - Enabled screen saver
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.954  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] ==============> [JAVA] AndroidThunkJava_DisableScreenCapture(false) - Enabled screen captures
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.954  4915  4915 D UE      : App is running in Landscape
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.954  4915  4915 D UE      : AndroidPropagateAlpha =  0
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.954  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] === Restoring Transparent Bars ===
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.954  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] ==============> Resuming main init
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.965  4915  5270 D UE      : adb am start command line override: -project="../../../CesiumForUnrealSamples/CesiumForUnrealSamples.uproject" /Game/CesiumSamples/Maps/01/01_CesiumWorld -Messaging -CrashForUAT -SessionId=02181B204D85FFDD5E98A38E833F1723 -SessionOwner="PincoPi" -SessionName="Launch On Device"
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.965  4915  5270 D UE      : Final commandline: -project="../../../CesiumForUnrealSamples/CesiumForUnrealSamples.uproject" /Game/CesiumSamples/Maps/01/01_CesiumWorld -Messaging -CrashForUAT -SessionId=02181B204D85FFDD5E98A38E833F1723 -SessionOwner="PincoPi" -SessionName="Launch On Device" (len 241)
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.966  4915  5270 D UE      : Created sync event
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:17.969  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] ==============> GameActive.onResume complete!
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.205  4915  5271 D UE      : Case APP_CMD_INIT_WINDOW
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.205  4915  5271 D UE      : LogAndroidEvents::EnqueueAppEvent : 0, [width=2307, height=1080], tid = 5271, APP_EVENT_STATE_WINDOW_CREATED
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.205  4915  5271 D UE      : LogAndroidEvents::EnqueueAppEvent : 14, [width=-1, height=-1], tid = 5271, APP_EVENT_STATE_APP_ACTIVATED
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.205  4915  5271 D UE      : LogAndroidEvents::EnqueueAppEvent : 15, [width=-1, height=-1], tid = 5271, APP_EVENT_RUN_CALLBACK
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.206  4915  5271 D UE      : LogAndroidEvents::EnqueueAppEvent : 1, [width=2307, height=1080], tid = 5271, APP_EVENT_STATE_WINDOW_RESIZED
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.206  4915  5271 D UE      : LogAndroidEvents::EnqueueAppEvent : 4, [width=-1, height=-1], tid = 5271, APP_EVENT_STATE_WINDOW_REDRAW_NEEDED
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.219  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] === Thermal status changed to 0
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.224  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] === Restoring Transparent Bars due to Visibility Change ===
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.224  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] === Restoring Transparent Bars ===
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.278  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] === Restoring Transparent Bars due to Visibility Change ===
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.278  4915  4915 D UE      : [GameActivity] === Restoring Transparent Bars ===
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.340  4915  5270 D UE      : ANativeWindow_setBuffersTransform is supported on this device
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.340  4915  5270 D UE      : EGL Extensions:
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.340  4915  5270 D UE      : EGL_ANDROID_front_buffer_auto_refresh EGL_ANDROID_get_frame_timestamps EGL_ANDROID_get_native_client_buffer EGL_ANDROID_presentation_time EGL_EXT_surface_CTA861_3_metadata EGL_EXT_surface_SMPTE2086_metadata EGL_KHR_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_KHR_swap_buffers_with_damage EGL_EXT_gl_colorspace_scrgb EGL_EXT_gl_colorspace_scrgb_linear EGL_EXT_gl_colorspace_display_p3_linear EGL_EXT_gl_colorspace_display_p3 EGL_EXT_gl_colorspace_display_p3_passthrough EGL_EXT_gl_colorspace_bt2020_linear EGL_EXT_gl_colorspace_bt2020_pq EGL_ANDROID_image_
native_buffer EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync EGL_ANDROID_recordable EGL_EXT_create_context_robustness EGL_EXT_image_gl_colorspace EGL_EXT_pixel_format_float EGL_EXT_protected_content EGL_EXT_yuv_surface EGL_IMG_context_priority EGL_KHR_create_context EGL_KHR_create_context_no_error EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_3D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_lo
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.344  4915  5270 D UE      : FAndroidGPUInfo
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.344  4915  5270 D UE      : AndroidEGL::InitRenderSurface 0, 1
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.344  4915  5270 D UE      : ***** RequestedContentScaleFactor different 1.000000 != -1.000000, not using res cache (0)
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.344  4915  5270 D UE      : ***** RequestedMobileResX different 0 != -1, not using res cache (0)
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.344  4915  5270 D UE      : ***** RequestedMobileResY different 0 != -1, not using res cache (0)
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.344  4915  5270 D UE      : ***** WindowDPI is 0, not using res cache (0)
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.344  4915  5270 D UE      : ***** SceneMaxDesiredPixelCount is 0, not using res cache (0)
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.344  4915  5270 D UE      : ***** SceneMinDPI is 0, not using res cache (0)
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.344  4915  5270 D UE      : ***** WindowWidth is -1, not using res cache (0)
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.344  4915  5270 D UE      : AndroidEGL::InitRenderSurface, Using width: 1536, height 720
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.344  4915  5270 D UE      : [GameActivity] [JAVA] - SetDesiredViewSize width=1536 and height=720
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.344  4915  5270 D UE      : AndroidEGL::InitRenderSurface, setting wnd: 0xb4000075575a2010, width: 2307->1536, height 1080->720
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.344  4915  5270 D UE      : AndroidEGL::CreateEGLRenderSurface() 0xb400007556a05a80
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.344  4915  5270 D UE      : AndroidEGL::InitSharedSurface 0
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.344  4915  5270 D UE      : AndroidEGL::InitSharedSurface, Using width: 1536, height 720
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.344  4915  5270 D UE      : AndroidEGL::InitSharedSurface, width: 1536, height 720
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.344  4915  5270 D UE      : AndroidEGL::CreateEGLSharedSurface(), auxSurface = eglCreatePbufferSurface(), 1536x720
LogPlayLevel: Error: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.399  4915  5270 D UE      : LogPluginManager: Error: Unable to load plugin 'Water'. Aborting.
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.496  4915  5270 D UE      : Assertion failed: false [File:./Runtime/Launch/Private/Android/LaunchAndroid.cpp] [Line: 554]
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.496  4915  5270 D UE      : Engine Preinit Failed
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.501  4915  5270 D UE      : Assertion failed: false [File:./Runtime/Launch/Private/Android/LaunchAndroid.cpp] [Line: 554]
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.501  4915  5270 D UE      : Engine Preinit Failed
LogPlayLevel: Error: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.501  4915  5270 D UE      : LogAndroid: Error: === Critical error: ===
LogPlayLevel: Error: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.501  4915  5270 D UE      : LogAndroid: Error:
LogPlayLevel: Error: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.501  4915  5270 D UE      : LogAndroid: Error: Assertion failed: false [File:./Runtime/Launch/Private/Android/LaunchAndroid.cpp] [Line: 554]
LogPlayLevel: Error: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.501  4915  5270 D UE      : LogAndroid: Error: Engine Preinit Failed
LogPlayLevel: Error: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.501  4915  5270 D UE      : LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000074E42D6B10 libUnreal.so(0x00000000104D1B10)!android_main()  []
LogPlayLevel: Error: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.501  4915  5270 D UE      : LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000074E42FF4E4 libUnreal.so(0x00000000104FA4E4)![Unknown]()  []
LogPlayLevel: Error: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.501  4915  5270 D UE      : LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000075F6D80D38 libc.so(0x00000000000F0D38)![Unknown]()  []
LogPlayLevel: Error: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.501  4915  5270 D UE      : LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000075F6D1D580 libc.so(0x000000000008D580)![Unknown]()  []
LogPlayLevel: Error: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.501  4915  5270 D UE      : LogAndroid: Error:
LogPlayLevel: Error: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.501  4915  5270 D UE      : LogAndroid: Error:
LogPlayLevel: Error: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.501  4915  5270 D UE      : LogAndroid: Error:
LogPlayLevel: Error: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.501  4915  5270 D UE      : LogAndroid: Error:
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:18.658  4915  5270 D UE      : LogAndroid: FAndroidMisc::RequestExit(1, FAndroidErrorOutputDevice::Serialize.!GIsGuarded)
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:19.226 32690 32707 V UE      : [NetworkChangedManager] Network Capabilities changed, has Internet: true
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:19.232  4895  4974 V UE      : [NetworkChangedManager] Network Capabilities changed, has Internet: true
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:19.226 32635 32652 V UE      : [NetworkChangedManager] Network Capabilities changed, has Internet: true
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:19.236  2120  2196 V UE      : [NetworkChangedManager] Network Capabilities changed, has Internet: true
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:19.241  4895  5326 V UE      : [NetworkChangedManager] Verifying internet connection with host: https://example.com/
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:19.242 32635  5327 V UE      : [NetworkChangedManager] Verifying internet connection with host: https://example.com/
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:19.246  4967  5053 V UE      : [NetworkChangedManager] Network Capabilities changed, has Internet: true
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:19.249 32690  5329 V UE      : [NetworkChangedManager] Verifying internet connection with host: https://example.com/
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:19.253  4967  5331 V UE      : [NetworkChangedManager] Verifying internet connection with host: https://example.com/
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:19.255  2120  5330 V UE      : [NetworkChangedManager] Verifying internet connection with host: https://example.com/
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:19.448 32635  5327 V UE      : [NetworkChangedManager] Connectivity hasn't changed. Current state: CONNECTION_AVAILABLE
LogPlayLevel: UAT: 10-23 08:40:19.449 32635  5327 V UE      : [NetworkChangedManager] Full network check complete. State: CONNECTION_AVAILABLE

That’s very strange. I don’t know what to tell you. Could be worth reinstalling Unreal Engine entirely?

Reinstalled, no luck… Found also this message: Im building for android-31.
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 8.0.

WIth the CesiumForUnrealSamples from store or github and withCesium for Unreal v1.31.1 from marketplace everything is working. As in my project(mobile lights optimization apart). I would love to start building on 2.0 for all the sublevel and various new managements…

Ok, thanks. I wrote an issue for this: