Hi everyone,
Many of you have suddenly started seeing crashes in your Cesium for Unreal applications. In many cases, the applications were working fine a few days ago, and then suddenly became unreliable. First of all, we’re really sorry for this situation, we know how terrible it is when your application suddenly stops working, perhaps even on end-user machines!
This post will explain what is happening, and what you can do to get your application running again.
The crash is caused by a recent update to Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles. If you’re not using that particular tileset, you should be unaffected. The update changed the way some of the data provider “credits” are represented. Unfortunately, this triggered a bug in Cesium for Unreal that caused it to crash when attempting to load tiles containing these new credits.
We have fixed this bug in Cesium for Unreal v2.13.3. So if you’re using Unreal Engine 5.3+, all you need to do is update to this version of the plugin and rebuild your application, and the crash should go away. You can update using the Epic Launcher. You may need to completely close and restart it for the update to appear.
To verify that you have the correct version, look in the lower-right corner of the Cesium panel in the Unreal Editor and verify that it says “v2.13.3” or later.
If you’re still using Unreal Engine 5.2, given the impact of this bug, we have back-ported this fix to Cesium for Unreal v2.11 for UE 5.2. You can find v2.11.1 here.
This release must be installed manually by following these installation instructions.
We have also sent this UE 5.2 version to Epic for publishing on Fab so that you can easily install it via the Epic Launcher. However, Epic usually only allows plugin updates to be published for the three most recent Unreal Engine versions, so they may or may not accept this update. We will update here if and when they accept it, but until then, please install using the instructions above.
Update: The UE 5.2 version is now available via the Epic Launcher, and a hotfix release for UE 5.1 is available as well. Please see below.
Sorry once again for the hassle! Let us know if you run into any trouble.