Cesium3DTileStyle Point cloud - color by classification - can’t access point classes above 21

Hi everyone,
I’m trying to display a classified point cloud where each class has its own color
for some reason cesium can’t access point classes above 21

here is my code:

tileset_Trimming.style = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileStyle({

    pointSize : document.getElementById('pointSize-slider').value, 
    show :  "${POSITION}.z >=" + String(document.getElementById('viewRange-min').value) + "&& ${POSITION}.z <=" + String(document.getElementById('viewRange-max').value), // Section
    color: { //Color conditions
      conditions: [
        // ["${Classification} === 3 ", "color('GRAY')"]
        ["${Classification} >= " + 21, "color('" + String(document.getElementById('pole_col_sel').value) + "')"],   //  #pole -> 21 #wire -> 11
        ["${Classification} === 11 ", "color('" + String(document.getElementById('wire_col_sel').value) + "')"],       // wire
        ["true", "${COLOR}"]

Points from classes 32 - 41 are not being affected.
What can be the cause of this problem?

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Hi @amrze3bi,

Welcome to the community! A few great next steps:

  • Can you please share a sandcastle example that showcases the error that you are reciving?
  • More information on the point cloud model that is causing this issue would also be helpful.

Looking forward to learning more!


Hi @amrze3bi ,
This is also what I am trying to do.
Were you able to make it work?

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