I have 3d Tile Point Cloud that has a Batch Table with two properties. Classification and Intensity.
The Batch_ID is not included in the feature table.
My problem is that all styling condition using either Classification or Intensity is ignored. It appears as if the Classification values are not read. Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong?
tileset.style = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileStyle({
color: {
conditions: [
[“${Classification} === 1”, “color(‘white’)”],
[“${Classification} === ‘2’”, “color(‘red’)”],
[“${Classification} === ‘3’”, “color(‘yellow’)”],
[“${Classification} === ‘4’”, “color(‘blue’)”],
[“true”, “color(‘white’)”],
The tile information is:
=== Tile content: ===
------ Tile header ------
magic: b’pnts’
version: 1
tile_byte_length: 122096
json_feature_table_length: 52
bin_feature_table_length: 104440
json_batch_table_length: 168
bin_batch_table_length: 17408
------ Tile body ------
feature_table_header: {‘POINTS_LENGTH’: 8703, ‘POSITION’: {‘byteOffset’: 0}}
points_length: 8703
first_point_position: [0.40977868 3.8937554 0.2508422 ]
first_point_color: None
first_point_normal: None
batch_table_header: {‘Classification’: {‘byteOffset’: 0, ‘componentType’: ‘UNSIGNED_BYTE’, ‘type’: ‘SCALAR’}, ‘Intensity’: {‘byteOffset’: 8703, ‘componentType’: ‘UNSIGNED_BYTE’, ‘type’: ‘SCALAR’}}
- first point Classification: 2
- first point Intensity: 151
Thanks for your help.