

cesiumforue 2.11.0

Why after the map is clipped by CesiumPolygonRasterOverlay, when the camera is zoomed out, there is still a collision mesh of Cesium3DTileset in the clipped gap on the map? I want to ask how to remove this mesh

cesiumforue 2.11.0

Hi @dwbcxy886,

The polygon raster overlay works by discarding tiles when the entire tile isn’t needed. But for tiles that are partially inside the polygon and partially outside, the removal is done by setting the opacity mask in a material. The geometry itself is not modified. Unfortunately, there’s currently no way to modify the geometry with a polygon.


The layer clipped by the CesiumPolygonRasterOverlay component, there is also a layer grid at this position that will receive collision

Sorry @dwbcxy886, I don’t know what you mean.
