excludeSelectedTiles does not work in CesiumPolygonRasterOverlay

I’m using the “Hiding Parts of Tilesets with Cartographic Polygons” tutorial to learn polygon manipulation. However, I’ve noticed that when I uncheck excludeSelectedTiles in the CesiumPolygonRasterOverlay I still can’t display the tiles framed by the polygons.The relevant tools I use are as follows:

Unity version: 2023.2.17f1c1
cesium-unity-samples: 1.11.0
Cesium for unity: 1.11.1

The yellow line is my polygon range that I want to clip for the tile map.

But when I use CesiumPolygonRasterOverlay, even if I uncheck excludeSelectedTiles , the tiles get cropped out, and I’ve tried disabling and re-enabling the component, as well as manually using the Refresh Tileset in the 3D Tileset.

Hi @xiameishicang,

There may be some confusion here. There are two parts to CesiumPolygonRasterOverlay.

First, the overlay applies a material effect to the tileset, so that every pixel that falls in that polygon is rendered transparent. In other words, the geometry is still there, but the pixels are hidden.

Second, the overlay can optionally Exclude Selected Tiles. This means that any tiles that fall completely within the polygon will be excluded from even loading. The geometry will also be hidden, in addition to the pixels from the surrounding tiles.

But no matter what Exclude Selected Tiles is set to, it will always apply the transparent material effect. I hope that makes sense! Of course, you can create your own copy of CesiumDefaultTilesetMaterial + the shader graph to change this behavior. It would help to know what you’re trying to do with CesiumPolygonRasterOverlay that isn’t clipping.

Thank you for your reply. I have fully understood the things you have explained and I will try to modify the shader to achieve my goal.