CesiumForUnity could not be found?

When I try to build for visionOS as platform, Iam keep getting into this error, CesiumForUnity namspace not Found, can any one help me with this please! Even though I have the CesiumForUnity package

I am able to run the and get the 3D map tiles in unity’s player but I am unable to build i for visionPro, If I try building for other platforms like ios it successfully builds without the namespace error, but I am getting into this error when I do it only for VisionOS

/Users/saikapil/Documents/MathCo/Practice_Unity/GithubRepo/ProjectSpirare-for-Unity-1.5.0/packages/jp.co.hololab.spirare.cesium/UI/Scripts/CesiumCreditText.cs(1,7): error CS0246: The type or namespace name ‘CesiumForUnity’ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

/Users/saikapil/Documents/MathCo/Practice_Unity/GithubRepo/ProjectSpirare-for-Unity-1.5.0/packages/jp.co.hololab.spirare.cesium/UI/Scripts/CesiumCreditText.cs(16,17): error CS0246: The type or namespace name ‘CesiumCreditSystemStringConverter’ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Hi @Kapil_Kumar, welcome to the community!

Currently, VisionOS is not a supported platform for Cesium for Unity. There is a community PR to add support, but it is a draft for now: WIP Added Vision Pro build support by handzlikchris · Pull Request #502 · CesiumGS/cesium-unity · GitHub

There are other threads on the forum as well. I’m not sure how many of them have arrived at working solutions, but there may be some bits of build advice:

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Is there an active discussion about the potential support for Cesium in RealityKit in the future? While I’ve managed to get it working with Unity, I’d much prefer to use SwiftUI and native Swift libraries instead of relying on Unity for Cesium integration.

At present, combining SwiftUI elements with Unity-managed content in a single volumetric window isn’t supported. It would be amazing to see RealityKit adopt support for Cesium, especially as more developers focus on building solutions natively in Swift. Additionally, managing multiple frameworks feels cumbersome. A seamless integration with RealityKit would greatly simplify the workflow when working with native SwiftUI and libraries.

I have the same Problem, I check the PR. but i didn’t find this script. Can anyone please fix this.

Do you fix above issue

You can go through this thread, Cesium for Unity を MR モードの Apple Vision Pro アプリで利用する方法

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You just have to select visionOS for CesiumRuntime.asmdef

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now this error occurs in xcode after running the build
“519 duplicate symbols for architecture arm64”

it works fine an old version of cesiumforunity 1.11.1 but it throws error for cesiumforunity 1.14.0
“519 duplicate symbols for architecture arm64”

Did anyone face above issue?