I’m new with cesium and I tried to make some application using some dynamic data.
I have entities that generated by database and Infobox with some result of the database query.
the cesium part like below:
var markers = JSON.parse(response);
for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
var name = markers[i].name;
var type = markers[i].type;
var html = “” + name + “ ” + type + ' <input type=“image” class=“check_update” src=“images/search.png” ’
var marker = viewer.entities.add({
name : name,
description: type
position : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(longitude, latitude),
billboard : {
image : ‘images/office-building.png’,
With the dynamic data from database, I want to change the image, when the type value changes on some of the entities from the loop.
I made some html button, check_update in the InfoBox, when the button clicked, I want to change the image and content of the Infobox.
How to make it happened?
When I use viewer.entities.remove(name), the entity that have the name not clear and the image still there not changed.
The changes just on the image, I have another image office-building-new.png to replace the office-building.png
My next function is to erplace the marker description value, but no luck.
I put viewer.entities.remove(name); also no result what I’m expected.
I was succeeded if i put viewer.entities.removeAll but I need to change one of the loop result in specific InfoBox.
The button in InfoBox working well and I can alert the result. Only the function to change the entity and description was not worked.
What I want is the marker remove first then appear again with the button click in selected infoBox.
I use version 1.28
The problem that I wrote in this subject was solved, not in 1.27, but I have another bug, I think, the InfoBox getting confused each other. I have more than 100 infobox, when I choose another infobox, the old infobox that I was opened, got the message that I point to other Infobox
I use 1.27
The renew of InfoBox not worked but the message for specific Infobox, did not goes to other infobox
I think, 1.28 have a bug for Infobox handling.
I just copied my application to 1.28 and I found this, if there any command or workaround to bring back the 1.27 infobox handling, it will help me …