Clickable location fast travel

We’re also interested in trying to implement something like this. Although it doesnt have to be 2d, it could be a 3d map, and zooming/rotating can find the location then clicking on the location returns a lat+lon and then you get sent to that location. Has anyone here made something like that? How would this be done? I imagine since the fast travel feature already exists, the main problem to solve would be having a rotatable earth and the ability to click a location to travel there… Any guidance would be appreciated!

Hi @MQS,

Would the CesiumFlyToComponent be suitable for your needs? It allows you to smoothly fly to a specified long / lat location. You can see this in action in level 04_MAIN_CesiumSubLevels in the Cesium for Unreal Samples project.

If I’m misunderstanding the functionality you’re looking for, though, let me know the details of what you mean.

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Yes the fly to component is how we would travel from one place to the other and we’re fairly comfortable with how we’d implement this.

However this query is more in relation to how we would gather the lat/long from clicking a location on the Minimap globe in level 4

Also how we would interact with that globe - rotate it, zoom etc.

Hi @MQS,

Sorry, I’m not sure what you mean by the “Minimap globe in level 4.” Maybe you meant Level 7 (below)?

These views are set up on the same globe, they just use SceneCapture2Ds and a Render Target. I’m not really familiar with SceneCapture2D, I looked up “how to raycast with SceneCapture2D unreal” but all I get is unanswered forum questions asking about the same thing :')

But after looking in Blueprints I found that you could make this string of nodes:

The problem is figuring out how to derive this target UV from the mouse-click on the capture. There’s probably some math between getting the mouse position in the viewport, then getting that position relative to the scene capture’s object, and that’s your UV. So it seems possible. :smile:

Similarly, “interacting” with that globe would translate to moving the camera around it. That would probably be harder, though, because you’d need some screen-space math to convert mouse movement to a reasonable rotation.


Hi @janine yes we did indeed mean level 7 haha

Yes we came to the same conclusion. A lot of unanswered forum questions

But that string of nodes was the closest we got to getting something working, thanks for the guidance!
In the end we decided to return to it at a future point when we had more time since it was starting to get sticky :smile: