When you click two point on viewer, the globe will be dug a hole. In my case, I want to dig a hole on 3dtileset, too. But in the follow code, 3dtileset didn’t work, how should I do?
This is because clipping planes are relative to the root tile’s transform. This is described on the documentation page:
So for example, if you set the the clipping plane at (0,0,0), with a normal facing in the positive X axis, it would clip half the tileset (wheras the same plane would clip half the globe). The easiest way to get a plane to clip a tileset and the globe in the same location is to add a modelMatrix to the ClippingPlaneCollection on the tileset to reverse this transformation to make its coordinate relative to the center of the earth:
tileset.clippingPlanes = new Cesium.ClippingPlaneCollection({
planes : clippingPlanes,
edgeColor: Cesium.Color.WHITE,
modelMatrix: Cesium.Matrix4.inverse(tileset.root.computedTransform, new Cesium.Matrix4())
You might also want to use viewer.camera.pickEllipsoid instead of pickPosition to get more accurate results when not using terrain.
Here’s what the new Sandcastle with these changes looks like.
I have been trying to adapt this sandcastle so that the user can draw the hole as a polygon and therefore cut the 3Dtileset in any shape he wants, but I can't get it to work. I've only changed the "hole" function.
Is this because clipping planes are not supported (except for rectangles and triangles) ?
Many thanks for your response, I'm really stucked on this one!
Hello World.html (4.04 KB)
I think it just might be that that original example was computing the planes based on the assumption that it will always describe a rectangle. You can certainly have a combination of many clipping planes to describe more arbitrary shapes. Here’s a Sandcastle example showing this:
You might also find this thread useful which was doing a similar thing, clipping planes made out of arbitrary polygons:
Although the tileset in the examples seems to no longer be accessible.
Hi Omar and thank you for your response, with both examples I managed to make it work!
If anyone is interested, here is the updated Sandcastle that lets the user cut the tileset in any (convex) shape he wants: