I'm wondering if there is or will be the support for clustering not only for dataSources but also for generic billboardCollections too. I tried to find sometihing about this but I didn't find anything useful.
It looks like the clustering is happening at the entity level, so there’s not a way to cluster for BillboardCollections.
Thanks you Hannah.
So there isn't a way to create 10-100 billboards from scratch and use the clustering feature, is there?
Not using a BillboardCollection directly. You need to add billboards using the Entity API like this:
position : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-75.59777, 40.03883),
billboard :{
image : '../images/Cesium_Logo_overlay.png'
Do you have a reason for using BillboardCollections instead of the Entity API? We recommend people add billboards this way.
No I don't, in fact BillboardCollection was just an example (a bad example).
I'm adding billboards to viewer.entities as you mentioned, but I still don't get how to use clustering for billboards set in viewer.entities. The example in Sandcastle shows only the case where billboards are loaded from a kml.
Its not obvious where the default data source is. You can access it with:
Its not obvious where the default data source is. You can access it with: