Cone Color broken (changed) in b7?

I’ve got some CZML that displays three sensor cones, each of which changes color multiple times throughout my scenario. The way I’m doing it is per the CZML posted below. When I upgraded to b7, this seems to have broken…cone 1 and 2’s intervals don’t seem to be in effect, and cone 3’s intervals are in effect but apply to all three cones (all three cones change color when only cone 3 is supposed to.) I tested out my CZML file at and it works correctly, like it did in b6. I’m about to investigate why it’s happening but I thought first I’d check and see if you all think I’m changing the color in the correct manner. I apologize again for not being able to post attachments, I can email the CZML file if its helpful.


















Hey Eric,

I'm pretty sure you're experiencing the same problem as this issue: It's
related to our new material system which slipped into master with an
undetected bug. Thankfully someone is working on it, so hopefully
we'll see a fix soon. I'll keep you posted.


Oops, should have checked the list first :confused: Sorry. That sounds like the same issue.

The Billboard image property hasn’t changed, has it? My satellite billboards stopped showing up as well.