Hey all,
I was wondering as to the best conversion tools to use, in order to convert a Collada (.dae) model into a GLTF or B3DM model for 3D tiles. I know of COLLADA2GLTF command line tool (https://github.com/KhronosGroup/COLLADA2GLTF), however is the tool officially supported/will it have on going development by Khronos? As I need something that will continue to support the GLTF Or Collada specification should they change. Also I’ve seen other tools here (https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF), which convert GTLF models into GLB, or B3DM however they don’t seem to have active support.
Therefore I was wondering weather its was best to write your own conversion tools, or to use these?
Many thanks for all your advice.