We have converted a dae file created by Blender to gltf file using the online converter on the website. But when we load it into our cesium code, it is too dark, you can barely see the colour of the car. I attach pictures of the model in its original shape and how it is looked on Cesium. It would be great if you anyone can help me with it. I can upload the dae or gltf file if necessary.
I had a similar problem when converting my .3ds model to gltf.
I used Blender to import my .3ds and export a COLLADA .dae, then I used the online tool to convert the .dae to gltf. My gltf model kept coming up without lighting in Cesium.
To solve it, I had to select my model in Blender and then tick the ‘Selection Only’ checkbox during the COLLADA export. This way only the model gets exported and not the whole scene.
I too had this problem and found I had to remove the lights from the Collada DAE file before converting to glTF to fix this issue. As mentioned by someone else, if you are using Blender or similar you can export just the selected object and not the entire scene to fix this during export.
I too had this problem and found I had to remove the lights from the Collada DAE file before converting to glTF to fix this issue. As mentioned by someone else, if you are using Blender or similar you can export just the selected object and not the entire scene to fix this during export.
We have converted a dae file created by Blender to gltf file using the online converter on the website. But when we load it into our cesium code, it is too dark, you can barely see the colour of the car. I attach pictures of the model in its original shape and how it is looked on Cesium. It would be great if you anyone can help me with it. I can upload the dae or gltf file if necessary.
Thank you!
I'm totally new to blender, and I just want to import some 3d models into my cesium map..
The problem I met is:
1. I've downloaded the model files, it's like:
Then I tried to use blender to import fbx file, but there's no texture attached...
2. then I select only the model and export it to a dae file, then convert it into gltf.
In the preview window of the convertor, I can see a grey plane without textures
but I can't see the plane if I imported the gltf into cesium.
the cesium code should be fine, since I just change the import src to another gltf model, and it shows up.
Thanks for sending the model over. I was able to convert it to glTF with obj2gltf instead.
I attached a folder containing the original model files, a blender file that references the textures correctly, the exported obj/mtl file from Blender, and the glTF when running the model through obj2gltf. If you are converting it yourself, you will need to be on the alpha-texture branch of obj2gltf and use the command line flags mentioned here: https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/obj2gltf/pull/124.
To get the textures working in Blender I had to manually load the textures and assign them to the correct material slots. I can give more instructions but hopefully the .blend file that is attached will show what I did.