Coordinates about u3d and longitude/latitude

hello, everyOne,
if i konw a point on the cesium earth surface, for example, i hit one place and get one point, how do i convert it to longitude/latitude?

Hi @beyondlei99,
If you want to transform a position in Unity world coordinates to longitude/latitude/height, you can do that with a two step process:

  1. Convert the Unity coordinates to ECEF. This is done with the TransformUnityPositionToEarthCenteredEarthFixed on the CesiumGeoreference object.
  2. Convert the ECEF coordinates to Longitude/Latitute/Height. This is done with the static method EarthCenteredEarthFixedToLongitudeLatitudeHeight on CesiumWgs84Ellipsoid.
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thanks! Kevin.
Merry Christmas!

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