could you help me with geoserver shapefile?

1. A concise explanation of the problem you are experiencing.

Hi I have a question, when I load a shapefile from my geoserver that is in localhost send me the error:

Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http: // localhost: 8085 / geoserver / sic / wms? Transparent = true & format = image% 2Fpng & service = WMS & version = 1.1.0 & request = GetMap & layers = sic% 3Ahidro & bbox = -115.04149627685547% 2C15.439924240112305% 2C-90.65814208984375% 2C32.72083282470703 & width = 768 & height = 544 & srs = EPSG% 3A4326 & styles = ‘from origin’ http: // localhost: 10081 ‘has been blocked by CORS policy: No’ Access-Control-Allow-Origin 'header is present on the requested resource.

2. An example of a minimum code. If you have found an error, this helps us to reproduce and repair it.

The part of the code is the following:

function setupLayers () {

addAdditionalLayerOption (


new Cesium.WebMapServiceImageryProvider ({

url: ‘http: // localhost: 8085 / geoserver / sic / wms? service = WMS & version = 1.1.0 & request = GetMap & layers = sic% 3Ahidro & bbox = -115.04149627685547% 2C15.439924240112305% 2C-90.65814208984375% 2C32.72083282470703 & width = 768 & height = 544 & srs = EPSG% 3A4326 & format = application / openlayers’,

layers: ‘hydro’,

parameters: {

transparent: ‘true’,

format: 'image / png’




3. Context. Why do you need to do this? We could know a better way to achieve your goal.

It’s a personal project where I want to see some layers of Mexico

4. The version of Cesium you are using, your operating system and browser.

I am using Cesium 1.56.1

Windows 10 and Chrome

Are you running your CesiumJS code on the hosted Sandcastle ( or on a local server as well? I think it should work if both are hosted on localhost or generally from the same origin.

hello such, try what you recommended me, but the error remains the same, I send you a capture


Can you check for errors in the browser console? What about the network tab?

Are these URLs accessible in the browser outside of Cesium? Like if you go to http://localhost:8085/geoserver/sic/wms/tilemapresource.xml does it load a valid file?