Facing problem to load local wms data

Hello guys,

I need help to load my local wms images on Cesium globe using Cesium.WebMapServiceImageryProvider.

I am using GeoServer for local wms service and it is hosted on port 8083.

We have setup public wms also.

I am able to see our public wms service on Sandcastle, but not on local cesium viewer.

I am able to load bluemarble wms data.

I have read about CORS but not able to implement it.

I have added a web.config file with header info in cesium local website , but no luck to get images.

I know this is just header problem, but not able to fix it.

When i am looking the developer tools in chrome (network tab) it is showing that images are coming from server.

I am attaching the screen shots of developer tools output.

Could you please help me to get out from this problem.


web.config only applies to Microsoft IIS-based servers. The easiest way to enable CORS with Geoserver is to use CORS Filter:


CORS problems are consistent with what you’re seeing. The browser downloads the image and everything seems like it’s going fine, but then the image is rejected instead of being made available to Cesium.


Thank you so much Kevin.

It works for me perfectly.

Thanks again