Hello All,
When I upload a tiff that has DSM data in Cesium Ion I am facing issues with the elevation of it.
I tired using different Height Reference and Base terrain which Cesium provides but still we are facing the issue. Can you suggest anything which can solve this elevation?
The height in the terrain you are uploading is coming from how the data was generated and what the correct height reference is. Are you able to share the source of the data and how it was created?
Please also share the Cesium ion Asset ID for this asset.
Assest ID : 1387438
Please check this out. I am stuck in my development, tried using different Height references and still getting elevated results
You need to check the source of the data to confirm the vertical datum and height reference. By trying trial-and-error, you may not have much success.
I also see that you are not using Cesium World Terrain (or another terrain layer) as a global base layer. So your terrain height may be correct, but the cliffs are because rest of the globe is “bald earth”.