Thanks to cesium team for providing such a great tool.
I have kmz that containt raster image from aerial photo.
I convert my kmz to czml using cesium converter (.net) and I load the result to cesium viewer.
It works, but to show the image I have to click the rectangle and the image show up.
How can I show the image without clicking ?
Here is my code :
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(‘cesiumContainer’, {
imageryProvider: new Cesium.OpenStreetMapImageryProvider({
url: ‘’
baseLayerPicker: false,
var czmlDataSource = new Cesium.CzmlDataSource();
var destination = Cesium.Cartographic.fromDegrees(115.810681, -0.397550, 35000.0);
var flight = Cesium.CameraFlightPath.createAnimationCartographic(viewer.scene, {
destination: destination
What is wrong on my code?