I'm trying to use the reference frame property of CZML to define one
object’s position w.r.t. another object using the #id syntax. [1]
Given this simple czml file Cesium only displays the first label and
not the second.
"id": "obj1",
"position": {
"referenceFrame": "INERTIAL",
"cartesian": [6778137.0, 0.0, 0.0]
"label": {
"text": "Object 1",
"show": true
"id": "obj2",
"position": {
"referenceFrame": "#obj1",
"cartesian": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
"label": {
"text": "Item 2",
"show": true
Am I using this feature correctly? Is this a Cesium bug?
I had also no luck in specifying positions and orientations relative to another object using the hash symbol followed by the object’s ID. A response regarding/solution for this issue would be appreciated.
Kind regards,
Unfortunately Cesium doesn’t implement this part of the spec yet, but it should happen soon, I started some work in the referenceFrames
branch but have some more pressing 1.0 things that I need to get done first… It should be in the August 1st 1.0 release or the one right after (September 1st).
Hi Matthew,
thanks for your answer! Is there any news on that? I was not able to see any changes in the 1.0, 1.1, or 1.2 releases for the relative reference frames.
Kind regards,
Hi Matthew
I was also trying to use this feature when I faced with your reply in this forum. Do you have any idea about when this "#id" will be working on Cesium?
Thank you very much!
Laercio Barbosa
It’s not on our current near term roadmap but we are always willing to look at any pull requests if someone wants to work on it.