Delete these floating objects

Using google maps, I have hid part of the tileset with a cartographic polygon. BUT I am also seeing a few of these floating objects, is it possible to exclude them or delete them from the stream?

Hi @b_love, good to see you again!

Unfortunately, deleting parts of the meshes isn’t currently possible with the plugin. But we have an issue for this open on Github. We’ll be sure to give updates on that issue’s progress! :smile:

In the meantime, you’re welcome to submit feedback about Photorealistic 3D Tiles to Google themselves. You can contact Google Maps Support here.

Hi Janine,

thanks for the update!

I gave Google feedback about some really bad floating objects above e.g. very visible locations like EDDM (Munich) airport in Germany, these are fragments of airplanes. But nothing happened so far, and was more than half a year ago. So I guess we cannot depend on Google fixing data, I really hope that you will add a feature for that, this would improve the usage of the Google Earth data a lot.

Thanks & best