Deploy sandcastle website with local tile map images

I have download the source code which called ‘cesium-main’.
I use command ‘npm run build’ and ‘npm run build-docs’ and ‘npm run start’,then I open the local website on ‘http://localhost:8080’,it works successful.

however,in the local network,those sandcastle pages such as ‘http://localhost:8080/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html’,does not show map image.I have deploy a tile map image server with nginx,how can I config it into source code?thank you very much.

Hi there,

I have download the source code which called ‘cesium-main’.

Where did you download the source code from? GitHub,, or npm?

those sandcastle pages such as ‘http://localhost:8080/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html’,does not show map image

Is there any error in the console?

thank you for your suggests,I have successfully started the doc website.
I just don’t know how to modify the source code,that can change imageryProvioder’s Url from public internet url such as ‘’ to a private local tile image url such as 'http://localhost:8081/map/{x}/{y}/{z}.
I have exprience to use local tile image in myself cesium map project.

I would recommend reading our Imagery Tutorial to get started. Thanks!