Display options for 3D Tiles in stories


ion stories is a great tool to quickly display & share data stored in Cesium ion.

I’m wondering if there are any plans to improve it by adding the possibility, when adding a 3D tileset, to specify additional options ?
I mean defining the options available when adding a 3D Tileset from an application (
Cesium3DTileset - Cesium Documentation).
It seems difficult to achieve a good performance without some of them (like those related to dynamicScreenSpaceError).


Hello @ftrastour,

Thank you for your interest in this. We have an internal ticket to track this feature as some users have requested it, but we do not have a timeline for it at the moment. I don’t expect that we’ll get to it in the near future.

For our own understanding, would you be willing to share more about your use case? Is performance the only reason you’re looking to specify options? If you have an asset that is a good example of the challenges you’re facing and don’t mind sharing its ion asset ID, we would gladly take a look as we’re scoping this feature.
