Displaying Shadows for Cesium ion Point Clouds

When displaying point clouds from Cesium ion in Cesium for Unreal, shadows are not showing. Is there a way to enable them?

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Hi @Toteto,

I have a few questions so that we can get on the same page:

  • What dataset are you using? Are you using something from the Cesium ion asset depot, or your own data?
  • Can you share a screenshot of what your point cloud looks like?
  • When you look for shadows, are you looking for shadows that the point cloud casts on other objects? Or shadows on the point cloud itself? Or both?
  • Does enabling the “Attenuation” setting on the point cloud make a difference?


Thank you for your reply. Here are the answers to your questions:

  • I am using my own data.
  • I am looking for shadows that the point cloud casts on other objects. Shadows cast on the point cloud from other objects are visible.
  • The “Attenuation” setting on the point cloud makes no difference, whether enabled or disabled.