Question on drillPick and if there is a definitive order that it returns objects.
I have a rectangle drawing tool which the user can click and drag to draw around an area (it draws live on mousemove via a CallbackProperty). During its drawing, I use drillpick (limit 10) on mousemove (throttled) to grab this Entity and display its current area.
If I mousemove over an area that has more than 10 overlapping existing Entities then then my user-drawn rectangle isn’t returned in my drillpick. I can solve this problem by increasing my drillPick count to 100 or 1000 but that slows everything down.
Is there a way I can guarantee my user-drawn rectangle can be the 1st item in a drillPick? I have tried setting its height, extrudedHeight, zIndex but can’t seem to get my user-drawing rectangle to be at the top of the drillPick list.
Is it possible to do what I’m trying to do? Meaning can I guarantee an object will always be returned in a drillPick with a small limit (10)?