Embedding cesium on a web page

This was asked on the old Google Groups forum here:

how can i embed my application to another web page. after generation it like CesiumJS Quickstart – Cesium this way.


after writing some code in sandcastle. how i can give someone iframe for embedding it on site.

If you’re writing your application in Sandcastle, you can click the Open in new window button in the top to get a full screen version of your app that you can embed in an iframe. Otherwise you can do like the tutorial shows and put your app in Glitch or other similar hosting services.

i’ve uploaded this html on a server but not working , what i am doing wrong ?

<!doctype html>

Cesium app
"<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Untitled Document</title>

You need to put the URL in the iframe src as described here: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_iframe.asp

Thanks it worked.
Now if i give someone iframe (sandcastle new window) to embed on their website.

is it possible to make some changes in sandcastle code without changing final embedding code.
or make previous generated embedded code completely useless.

This is not possible with Sandcastle. I’d recommend using a hosting service like CodePen or Glitch to do this.