Simple Hello World

How do I get the globe into my HTML page. Please be detailed. I am a novice user. Thanks.

If your HTML page is really a page (more like a blog or article than a full web app), then the simplest way is to just embed Cesium in an iframe.


Thanks for the quick response. The example you gave is very handy and appreciated. I asked the wrong question though. The correct question is how do you get the globe into a full web app (as you clarified). Sorry for the confusion.

Ed - what all is needed if the app won’t be able to see (i.e. is on a closed network)?



There is some info on deployment in the Quick Start:

A pre-built script containing all of Cesium, located at Build\Cesium.js. You can copy all of the .js files in that folder into your own application and deploy to any web server, then load Cesium.js using a standard script tag, which will define a global Cesium variable, containing all of the Cesium types and functions.

This info combined with one of the simple Sandcastle examples like Hello World should be a good start. We are working on a new widget to make this even easier.

Christian - interesting project. How is it going?


Alice, the main Cesium download is on the Quick Start page that Cozzi mentioned, and the fastest way is to extract that and use one of the examples, or copy the code from Apps/CesiumViewer itself.

Dave, on a closed network, you might want to disable streaming imagery. For example, in Apps/CesiumViewer/CesiumViewer.js, add a comma to the end of this line:

        enableDragDrop : true,

and then add the following line:

        useStreamingImagery : false

This should prevent it from trying to reach out to Bing for image tiles.


Christian - interesting project. How is it going?

Baselayers and WMS layers are working


next on my todo are tms layers,

after that maybe a python czml writer and integration for vectorlayers
out of the plone database


Looks great so far! As you continue to develop it, we’d be happy to create a showcase page linking to it on the Cesium website.



One of my plans are to integrate it into geonode
to replace the google earth plugin (which does not run on linux :frowning: )

As the basic javascript generation is already functional that
should be more or less trivial.