Hi, i am facing issue on updating the position of entity. So recently, I am using latest cesium library which supports worker. but when entity change the position (let say live drone flight) it stucks and when i move the map / shake the map it runs again but after 2 / 3 seconds it again gets stuck please find the video URL below for more clarification.
How do you update the position? Is this something you do manually through the API, through CZI, or maybe a CallbackProperty? Depending on the method of updating the position depends on how Cesium is able to update the render cycle. Dragging the map is a tricky state (some things continue, other things pause), as well as maintaining a real-time (semi or otherwise) render cycle. Could you create a small Sandcastle that shows us that real-time cycle and how you update the position?
Thanks for your reply, so i am using czml for playback history of my drone telemetry. i am taking the reference from cesium sandcastle example of this Cesium Demo
i am doing the same thing as mentioned in this example :
But i got what the issue i was encountered so what i did is
let promise = CzmlDataSource.load(drawOps1).then(dataSourceFlight => {
this.dataSourceFlight = dataSourceFlight
//earlier i used this
//and i change above line with this line:
this.viewer.trackedEntity = this.dataSourceFlight.entities.getById('path')
Now it is working.
But really thanks for your response. I am greatfull to chat with you