Error - Hello World in Chrome and Firefox on Samsung GS5

Ya, I’d say Android 4.4.2 is the problem. I happen to have 2 Samsung Android devices that have almost the identical model #s, one with 4.4.2 and the other with 4.4.4 Android. Only the 4.4.2 has this problem.

To verify it isn’t a Samsung issue it would be useful to see how other brands such as HTC, LG, etc using 4.4.2 render Cesium.

Hi we just updated from Cesium Version : 1.3
Which did not have this issue.

We updated to 1.6 and now we have this issue.

We are replicating this issue on these Devices :
Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 - Android Version 4.4.2
Samsung Galaxy S3 - Android Version 4.4.2
HTC ONE M7 - Android Version 4.4.3

Through our testing we noticed that the image tiles seem to only have this issue with Levels 10 and further away from the Globe. Once zoomed in to Levels 11 and closer to the Globe, the images draw as expected.

Indeed, if you zoom in close enough the textures then render properly (3D,CV,2D.) I just tested it on a Samsung w/ Android 4.4.2 & Cesium 1.6 and this is the case. BTW HTC Desire w/ Android 4.4.4 renders Cesium 1.6 just fine.

The atmosphere doesn’t render at all on any mobile, even with Android 4.4.4.

My wife has an M7, so I’ll try it out tonight and see if I can figure out what’s going on.

Could this be the culprit?

Most likely, though the new code is so simple (especially compared to the old code) that I have no idea why it would trip up these mobile GPUs.

Hello, Just in case. I met problem with Cesium on Samsung tablet not very long ago. Errors were related to WebGL implementation for some Samsung devices. I recommend to look at browser’s console, there were error messages in my case. They allowed to identify the problem. Unfortunately, I can’t give details at the moment.


I looked into this and wrote up my findings here:

Did anyone find the cause of this?

Thanks, Ian

Hi everyone,

I’m facing the same issue on a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (SM-N9005, HLTE)
I’m running on the official 4.4.2 firmware.
The same bug appear either on Firefox or Chrome… I tried to tweak the 3D options from the system development settings, without success.
That’s quite annoying :frowning:

Based on what works and what doesn’t so far I’m fairly certain it’s the Android version, not the phone brand, browser, or GPU. I bet your phone will work just fine with Android 4.4.4 or later.

Perhaps it’s because Android 4.3 is where support for OpenGL ES 3.0 begins?

I’ll try to upgrade to 5.0 firmware soon but I will also vive the workaround I found on the forum a try (which consist in commenting one line of code)
I hope there won’t be any performance drawback.

Le lun 30 mars 2015 00:32, Hyper Sonic a écrit :

When I type chrome://gpu with a device that has Android 4.4.2 I get OpenGL ES 3.0, so I could be wrong about OpenGL version being the culprit. I have no idea why 4.4.2 has issues while 4.4.4 works just fine, maybe it’s implementation differences.

There’s some details and a workaround in the GitHub issue:

Is there a way to change it after the fact for cases where you don’t have access to Source/Renderer/Context.js, such as the online sandcastle examples? Something like viewer.context._vertexArrayObject = undefined; ? Or this has to be done in the constructor to work properly?

I rebuilt the 1.7.1 version of Cesium with the workaround and the graphic bugs have gone. No significant performance drawback. I can share the patched library on Dropbox

Le mar 31 mars 2015 18:45, Hyper Sonic a écrit :

Here is a Dropbox folder with Cesium 1.7.1 patch for Samsung devices:

I only included the files that differ from the official release.


Just loaded this and now everything works well on our Android devices.

Many thanks


On Behalf Of Nicolas VILA


Could you create an update for 1.8 as well?



Yes, and I started a shell script to automate the patch & build process.
I think I’ll upload both by tomorrow.

Le jeu 2 avr. 2015 23:28, Ian Walberg a écrit :