Let's assume that i have a plenty ESRI shape files in region of Finland. What would be the best way to bring them on cesium map as a "offline" data (i cannot use web map servers at all the times).
I've read you have 3dtiles, czml and kml support, is there more options?
How i can convert data for examble shp to 3d tiles? is there any open sorce softwares for that?
Currently i run cesium version 1.38
I don’t know if there is open source software for converting shapefiles to 3D Tiles. We have a tool in our internal tiling pipeline for doing that (not open source), if you send over the data I could try converting it for you.
I had the same question when started my project.
For me, GeoJSON seems as the best solution.
I used QGIS ( https://www.qgis.org/en/site/ ) for converting shp to geojson. It's opensource software and easy to convert formats (just Save as...).
Hope that helps 
Hi Paula
Did you find any solution how to get colors in .sld file to GeoJSON in qgis or gdal convertion?
tiistai 5. joulukuuta 2017 11.11.15 UTC+2 paula....@gmail.com kirjoitti:
unfortunately no, I haven't tried anything with .sld.
All the coloring was made in the code.
I assume you need to color your entities differently according to some attribute?
If so, you can do it in a for loop.
You may want to make entities while loading GeoJSON.
I don't know how to explain this well, so you can take a look at this thread where I posted my code https://groups.google.com/forum/embed/?place=forum/cesium-dev&showsearch=true&showpopout=true&hideforumtitle=true&fragments=true&parenturl=https%3A%2F%2Fcesiumjs.org%2Fforum%2F#!searchin/cesium-dev/paula/cesium-dev/FiF8tbgoPjw/ZXHBhlhABAAJ
To clarify, I used color hash to store different colors which are assigned to different attribute values (so different color for each attribute value).
And then: entity.polygon.material = color; this line actually colors the each entity (building or whatsoever) according to a color based on attribute value.