expor from geoJson to 3DTiles

Greeting, and thanks for your time and help.

I'm making a cartographic viewer with cesium's tools.
The cartographic viewer reads a *.geoJson file, it's 21 Mb.
The user can select a point and get information about it, with a graphic.
I'm trying improve the cartographic viewer, I want to work with larger data volumes.

I have a *.geoJson 300 Mb about 300 Mb.
The cartographic viewer doesn't work with this file, it's very heavy.
I have to export this file to 3dTiles.

This export has to keep all properties of geoJson file in order to see the data into de graphic.
Which is the best way to export this geoJson file to 3dTiles and keep all properties?.

What formats do I have to use?
vctr, bsdm, pnts??

I use the 1.46 cesium
I leave a little example:

geoJson file, js file and html file:

Thanks for providing some of your data!

The Vector Tiles format (vctr) should support all GeoJSON properties. Be aware that the specification is still a draft and support in Cesium is still experimental. You can read more about the roadmap here https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/3d-tiles/issues/25.

We are starting to support GeoJSON tiling but it’s still under development. If you’re interested in trying those out feel free to reach out to Tim (tim@cesium.com).

Thanks for
your help Omar.

So, how can I export geoJson to vctr?

I’m going
to read your link carefully.

We are
starting to support GeoJSON tiling but it’s still under development.

This means that… Can geoJson files be used like 3dtiles?

I’m going
to write Tim.

Thanks for
your time and help.

Thanks for your help Omar.
So, how can I export geoJson to vctr?

This wouldn’t be a trivial task. You’d have to write a tool that can read GeoJSON and convert all the features to the 3D Tiles vector format.

We are starting to support GeoJSON tiling but it’s still under development.
This means that… Can geoJson files be used like 3dtiles?

That’s the goal, yes! In the same way that 3D Buildings and models can be converted into 3D Tiles, we’d like to support converting GeoJSON as well.

How did this story ended ?
it is 2020 I hace uploaded large GeoJson to Cesium, and I see no Tiles generated and ALL i get is crashed browser.

Any hints how to achieve Tiling of GeoJSON asset in ION ? Thanx

Hi, I’m sorry but I had to leave work with cesiumn’s tools … for now.

Tiling GeoJSON data and vector data in general is still on the roadmap. One thing CesiumJS 1.62 was loading large KML files, you can see it in the changelog here:


Spread out KMl loading across multiple frames to prevent freezing.

So that may be a better approach in the meantime to use KML with CesiumJS since it will load more smoothly for larger files.