December 7, 2019, 12:59pm
Was curious if it is possible to query/filter an ArcGIS Feature layer by metadata and display within Cesium? Any examples?
The Arc documentation has loads of examples using their JavaScript API but I was hoping there was a way to display/render the results in Cesium.
Any help as always would be great!
December 8, 2019, 3:21pm
Can you share a link to the docs you’re referring to in the ArcGIS JavaScript API?
It does look like CesiumJS allows you to pick features found in the ArcGIS Imagery layer:
So I imagine it may not be difficult add a way to filter as well. If you have a sample layer you can share here that’d help too!
December 9, 2019, 10:51am
Hi Omar
Thanks for the the quick reply. What I’m looking to do is provide a UI where users can filter ArcGIS imagery data such as the below.
I know Cesium supports the ArcGisMapServerImageryProvider as a data source but, its not quite clear to me how I could leverage that to get/post queries to an Arc feature layer and get the respective imagery results back.