Generate GLTF model from raster (DSM) instead of terrain

Hi Matt,

Thanks for your reply, my use case involves converting part of DSM into a GLTF model so that users can visualize the cut-fill volume in 3d, something like this -


Steps -

  1. Clip the DSM using drawn polygon
  2. Convert the clipped DSM into the GLTF model
  3. Color the parts of the model in red if it’s cut otherwise color it blue if it’s fill

So far I’ve tried following -

  1. Wrote blender script which takes DSM and converts it’s into GLTF model (but it fails for larger areas)
  2. Used QGIS2Threejs plugin which also converts DSM into GLTF model but again takes a lot of time for the larger area

I was thinking that terrain-tiler can also convert it DSM to GLTF but instead, it generated each tile in GLTF format which is not what I want.