geojsonvt function not working

I am trying to render a large geojson using geojson-vt. But i am facing a problem, my programs stops at the below line:

var tileIndex = geojsonvt(json, tileOptions);

Debug disappears after this line…

I am trying to use below code for geojson-vt:

var url = ‘./geojson/sample.geojson’;

Cesium.GeoJsonDataSource.load(url).then(function (json) {

var arr = ;


arr = json._entityCollection._entities;

var tileOptions = {

maxZoom: 18,

tolerance: 5,

extent: 4096,

buffer: 64,

debug: 0,

indexMaxZoom: 0,

indexMaxPoints: 100000,


var tileIndex = geojsonvt(json, tileOptions);

var vectorSource = new ol.source.VectorTile({

format: new ol.format.GeoJSON(),

tileGrid: ol.tilegrid.createXYZ(),

tilePixelRatio: 16,

tileLoadFunction: function (tile) {

var format = tile.getFormat();

var tileCoord = tile.getTileCoord();

var data = tileIndex.getTile(tileCoord[0], tileCoord[1], -tileCoord[2] - 1);

var features = format.readFeatures(


type: ‘FeatureCollection’,

features: data ? data.features :

}, replacer));

tile.setLoader(function () {





url: ‘data:’


var vectorLayer = new ol.layer.VectorTile({

source: vectorSource


