Getting polygons' rendered triangles'

I’ve stumbled across an issue (I guess?) with polygons in Cesium.
When rendering polygons from PolygonHierarchy Cesium is triangulating the polygon with some kind of algorithm. With 3 point polygon it’s quite simple - points of hierarchy are the triangle - but when polygon has 3+ vertices the triangulation begins - I’ve been trying to get into that and try to extract rendered triangles for that polygon.
eg. for 4-vertex polygon there are 2 ways of triangulation - and Cesium choses one over another.
I want to get trios of vertices which represent rendered triangles for such a polygon.
Does anyone have an idea how can I achieve that?

Here’s an sandcastle example with b3dm and dummy polygon made on top of a building:

How can I get each of the rendered tiangles’?
You can set show to false for the tileset to fully see the polygon.

I’d appreciate any suggestions.

Hi @jakubs,

Thank you very much for sharing this with the community. I looked over your example, and I think a great next step would be to write this up as an issue on the CesiumJS GitHub page.

This is the quickest way to get this matter looked at by our CesiumJS squad.


Hi @jakubs,

I have altered and expanded your code a little bit:

You have to dig a little deeper into Cesium to get to Cesium.PolygonPipeline.

That is not an issue in my opinion…you MUST triangulate a polygon, if its points are not on the same plane, otherwise you would create a non-planar surface

Best, Lennart

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As a shortcut for those who want to figure out how this is actually implemented: Deeply internally, this is solved by using the library, and this usage essentially consists of a single call to the main earcut function.


Hello Lennart,
Thanks a lot! I’ve found that pipeline when I tried to debug that triangulation - however my debugger wouldn’t stop on breakpoints inside (well, I guess it was webpack issue) so I decided to ask here.

I was aware of the triangulation process since it is impossible to show polygon of four 3D points that are non-coplanar. I’ve tried triangulation by myself, with trios of the first and following coordinates, however Cesium triangulation seemed to be a lot more accurate.

Thanks for the sandcastle example, I greatly appreciate your explanation! :slight_smile:
