gltf load fail

My client sent me a dae file which is around 360mb of size. When I try to open in blender, it keeps on loading. I converted dae file to gltf successfully using offline converter. file is around 360mb of size.
When I load in cesium using this code:

function createModel(name, height) {


var position = _cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-103.9602, 18.8534, height);

var heading = _cesium.Math.toRadians(135);

var pitch = 0;

var roll = 0;

var orientation = _cesium.Transforms.headingPitchRollQuaternion(position, heading, pitch, roll);

var entity = viewer.entities.add({

name : name,

position : position,

orientation : orientation,

model : {

uri : ‘data/’ + name + ‘.gltf’,

minimumPixelSize : 128,

maximumScale : 20000



viewer.trackedEntity = entity;


it gives following error: