I’m using CesiumForUnreal2.3.0 with UnrealEngine 5.3.
I am creating an app for Windows using UnrealForCesium to output logs for failure analysis.
I have set up a Cesium3DTileset with a URL that contains my API Key, but I noticed that it is output to the log as shown below and the end user can know the API Key.
LogCesium: Loading tileset from URL https://tile.googleapis.com/v1/3dtiles/root.json?key=XXX
LogCesium: Loading tileset from URL https://tile.googleapis.com/v1/3dtiles/root.json?key=XXX done
I have tried to prevent LogCesium from logging, but this reduces the amount of information for analysis.
Is there a better way to mask the Cesium3DTileset URLs?
There’s no built-in way to do this, but if you’re willing to modify the plugin yourself, you can change how the URL is printed to the log. The line you’d need to modify is here: